jueves, 28 de mayo de 2015



- Què vol dir Codi Font?
una sèrie d'instruccions escrites en algun llenguatge de programació llegible per l'home.

- Quants tipus coneixes?

Molts com: Access, AJAX, A SP...

- Algunes propietats són?

- Què signifiquen les sigles WCAG?

Resultados de la búsqueda

  1. World Wide Web Consortium


Activitat 8

- Què és una aplicació Android?

Android té una gran comunitat de desenvolupadors que escriuen aplicacions ("apps") que estenen les funcions dels dispositius.

- En coneixes alguna?


Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook...


FIRST DAY - 8th of May

On 6.20 you'll fly with vueling from Barcelona and at 7.50 you'll arrive to London. Then, at 8.10 you'll take a taxi to the hotel (Plaza on the River Club and Residence) that is 1Km from the center London.


SECOND DAY - 9th of May

In the morning you can have breakfast in the same hotel and then you can spend the whole day visiting cultural sights and historic monuments. Some ideas: British museum, Big Ben...
You must have lunch in a typical British pub and you can eat fish and chips.

THIRD DAY - 10th of May

This will be the last day and you must take benefit that you are there.
Why don't you go for a ride into a typical British park?
You won't have any time so, go to the hotel and relax yourself for the travel.
At 19:30 you'll go by taxi to the airport and at 21:05 you'll fly to Barcelona again, on first class, like rich people!
Finally at 00:10 you'll arrive to Barcelona airport.


lunes, 20 de abril de 2015

1. a)What is TCP/IP used for? The Internet Protocol (IP) is the principal communications protocol in the Internet protocol suite for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking, and essentially establishes the Internet.
b) The archives TCP is hardware or software? It is hard ware c)How does TCP work? TCP / IP is a set of protocols that cover the various levels of the OSI model. These protocols are used by all computers connected to the Internet, so that they can communicate with each other. will ensure that communication between all possible. TCP / IP is compatible with any operating system and any hardware. d) Are there any more archives apart from TCP /IP? Yes, WAN, LAN, ATM, ICMP... There are a lot of them. 2. a)What is it known as Web? The World Wide Web (www, W3) is an information system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet and built on top of the Domain Name System.[1] It has also commonly become known simply as the Web. Individual document pages on the World Wide Web are called web pages and are accessed with a software application running on the user's computer, commonly called a web browser. Web pages may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia components, as well as web navigation features consisting of hyperlinks. b)What means that a web is available? It means that a web is accecible for everyone, that is public, 24-7.
c)What is dedicated to, w3c? A business blog is a website where space issues are published complementary activity of the company as such, even to interested customers and partners, have no place in the classics sections corporate website.
d)What are standard web used for? Web standards are the formal, non-proprietary standards and other technical specifications that define and describe aspects of the World Wide Web. In recent years, the term has been more frequently associated with the trend of endorsing a set of standardized best practices for building web sites, and a philosophy of web design and development that includes those methods.
e) What is W3schools used for? Today I want to talk about w3schools.com a page dedicated to teach users how to program in php, html, javascript..
HTML: HyperText Markup Language

martes, 24 de febrero de 2015


Identify the places shown in the next pictures of Tudor London
View of London by J.C. Visscher, from Londinum Florentiss[i]ma Britanniae Urbs, 1616
The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London
London in 1616 by Claes Van Visscher

The Guildhall Library, Corporation of London
After reading the website below, fill in the gaps in the following text about Tudor London .

Tudor London can be described as a prosperous, bustling city during the Tudor dynasty. In fact, the population increased from 75,000 inhabitants with Henry VII to 200,000 at the end of the 16th century.
The Tudor monarchs had a royal residence in London called Whitehall Palaceand and another in the countryside,called Hampton court, after Cardinal Wolseygave gave it to Henry VIII.These Tudor kings and queens used what are now famous parks , such as Hyde Park or St. James's Park, as Royal hunting forests.
Not many Tudor buildings survive today, mostly because of The Great Fire, which happened in1666. Besides, , the 13 religious houses in London were  converted for private use or pulled down for building materials after the Dissolution of the monasteries, which was Henry VIII's most decisive step against the power of the church in 1538. First the small, less powerful houses had their property confiscated and their buildings blighted (made unsuitable for use). They were followed the next year by the large houses.
Philosophical concepts of the power of the king over church may have played a part in Henry's decision to suppress the monasteries, but so did greed. The monasteries were rich, and a lot of that wealth found its way directly or indirectly to the royal treasury. Some of the monastery buildings were sold to wealthy gentry for use as country estates. Many others became sources of cheap building materials for local inhabitants. One of the results of the Dissolution of the Monasteries is that those who bought the old monastic lands were inclined to support Henry in his break with Rome, purely from self interest.
Apart from that, the theatres were banned from the city by _____the city authorities or guilds because plays wasted workmen's time ( so it wasn't for religious objection to the play'scontents ).. Then, they were built in the Southwark, where now a reconstruction of the Globe can be visited to learn about Tudor theatre.
At that time, London's financial rival was the city of Amsterdam, and to be able to compete with it , the international exchange was created in 1566.
So, all in all, and because of many other events and facts, we can say that both London and England were powerful.